Everything regarding the skûtsje "Twa Famkes"

This website is about the history and current regatta sailing performance of the skûtsje (old freight ship) "Twa Famkes".
The "Twa Famkes" is over one hundred years old, and has been through a lot.


Tjibbele Ates van der WERFF, yard owner of "de Onderneming" of Warga (Friesland, the Netherlands), started building the ship in 1911, at his own risk. Gerrit Hantjes RIJPKEMA was the first buyer. He called the ship "Twâ Famkes" ("Two Girls") after his daughters Fettje and Wiegertje. That was in 1912, during the construction of the "Twâ Famkes" the Titanic hit an iceberg and sank.

After Brugt Harmens BERGSMA, the ship was owned by the fuel dealer Tjitze ZWIERSTRA in Poppingawier (Friesland, the Netherlands). Tjitze had only one daughter, and called the ship "Oerâl Thûs" (Everywere At Home). But Tjitze was especially at home in Poppingawier where they called the ship "Altiid Thûs" (Always At Home).

In 1954, Pieter DRAAIJER turned the "Oerâl Thûs" into a houseboat in Amsterdam. The Frisian name "Oerâl Thûs" became "Overal Thuis" (Everywhere At Home in dutch).
Steel does not shrink with age. Yet the "Overal Thuis" became too small, and sold for scrap in 1996.


Fortunately, the demolition did not go through.
In 1999 Pieter Jansma bought the ship and renamed her again "Twa Famkes". Pieter made the ship ready for the regatta sailing with the IFKS.
After years of peace in the canals of Amsterdam, the "Twa Famkes" sailed again in May 2001.